Aviation Workshops
A typical workshop includes animated multimedia presentations to explain the fundamentals and principles of aviation. These interactive presentations mentally prepare the participants by providing answers to many of their doubts while participating in hands-on sessions. We also display our collection of aero models and Kites during the workshops, and explain the design and flying characteristics of each model. All this helps in generating interest and curiosity to those participating in the workshop
We use model aircrafts, charts, PowerPoint presentations and movie clippings to explain basic concept of flight.In the workshop we conduct hands on sessions in making flyable aircrafts & gliders as well as and static models using various types of paper, foam, thermocole and balsa wood.
The workshops modules can be customized for few hours, a whole day or stretched over a week.
Each workshop is customised taking into consideration the age group, interest of the participants and the time allotted for the workshop. As a result our workshops have proved to be engrossing for small kids, engineering students as well as teachers and grandparents.
Here is a brief outline of a typical aviation workshop.
Part I – Introduction
- Interesting facts and stories of early aviation
- Technical information – forces of flight, science behind flight.
- A brief on aviation as a hobby and as c areer.
- Information about local clubs and Institutes offering aviation activities.
Part II – Hands on session
- Demo flying of paper planes, foam or balsa planes, rubber powered planes and gliders
- Choosing model and material – time, difficulty level etc.
- Type of aerofoil suitable for the model – reasoning
- Control surfaces
- Factors affecting the glide ratio
- Finishing and preflight tests
Part III – Demonstrations
- Flying of models made during the workshop.
- Tuning of models to change their flying characteristics.