Space Apple

Paramotoring Training Course

Just like paragliding, paramotoring too is easy to learn. We have most suitable site in India for Paramotoring.

It is important to develop the necessary skill, judgment and gain knowledge of flying before you get airborne.
One has to start with basic paragliding training and master ground handling skills before strapping on to a motor.
Training is on one to one with two instructors with one student. We follow USPPA syllabus customised as per students pace of learning.

Basic Requirements

Age: 16 and above
Minimum qualification: SSC – reading/writing/understanding English is essentials
Right attitude towards adventure sports, Medical and Physical fitness
For foot launch paramotoring physical built is important as one has to carry the paramotor on his or her back during takeoff and after touchdown
Trike based paramotoring is much simpler and advisable for those who have physical fitness limitations. 

Stage two: Basic Paramotoring Course: Duration 6 days
 Day 1

First day is spent in orientation, a classroom briefing. Various parts of the paramotor and their functions are understood. Do’s and don’ts of Paramotor flying are explained. A briefing on the various safety measures, basic care & maintenance and Inspection is understood. We go to the field for practical training.

  1. Assembling the paramotor
  2. We hang the motor to the simulator for adjustments and hang checks
  3. Tuning and understanding of the engine, feel of the throttle
  4. Ground run with the paramotor
  5. Inflation, control and take-off run with the paramotor
  6. Video session & classroom lecture.

Day 2

We meet on the field in the morning and will do the assembly and setup of the motor under supervision. We go through the exercise of preflight checks. Instructor will do the test flight of your motor. We do post flight inspection. There will be debriefing on the flight of the instructor and briefing for your flight. A team of instructors assist you in your first flight. You will be guided via radio. By the end of this session you would have learnt: 

  1. Take off, gentle turns and landings
  2. Pre flight Inspection
  3. Assembling and fitting of the paramotor
  4. Powered ground runs (Practice for take off)
  5. Effects of controls
  6. Aborting & collapsing the glider
  7. Post flight inspection
  8. Dismantling & Packing of the paramotor 
  9. Safety & emergency briefings
 Day 3

Third day you are made to repeat what you have learnt the first two days in the first half of the session. In the second half you are taught all the necessary theory required for your flights. You’ll be doing a few flights and practice landing approached from various angles.
In this session you will learn:

  1. Reinforcement of the lessons learnt in the previous sessions
  2. Flight theory
  3. Radio Instructions and its jargon
  4. Starting and warming of the engine
  5. Aggressive take off run
  6. Quick lift off and gentle climb to 200 feet
  7. Completing the circuit
  8. Final approach
  9. Smooth flare and touch down
  10. De-briefing on the performance

Day 4

On the fourth day you practice what is learnt on the previous three days in the first half session. Instructors will closely and continuously keep a track on your progress and brief you on how to improve your performance. You line up for the take off. Pre flight checks and warm up of the engine. You will start making all your decisions under observation. Depending on the weather you continue practicing takeoff and landing.
Summary of the course:

  1. Flight theory on air safety and emergencies
  2. Flight planning
  3. Pre flight Inspection
  4. Independent decisions
  5. Analysis of the wind pattern
  6. Aligning for take off
  7. Pre flight checks
  8. Independent take off runs
  9. Landing at the designated area
  10. Spot landing practice
  11. Debriefing
 Day 5 & 6
The last two days of the course will be practicing and fine tuning the skills of takeoff flying and landing. All tasks as per the USPPA syllabus are completed and documented during the last two days. The student has to appear for his exam covering topics of Safety, Equipment, Aviation Knowledge, Flying skills and Weather.

A detailed syllabus is provided as a course material along with training videos which are very important and helpful.